Join the Motivated to Marry®
Dating Tips & Secrets Coaching Club Program
Finally, a Proven Step-by-Step System so You Can Find the Right Marriage-Minded Partner and Have the Love-Filled Life You Have Always Dreamed Of!
Does this sound like You?
Are you frustrated with the dating merry-go-round?
Do you wonder if you will ever meet someone to marry and have a family?
Do you want to be more confident with dating?
Or do you easily meet people for dating and yet have difficulty finding the right person who wants a committed relationship leading to marriage?
If you are ready to learn a systematic methodology to dating and relationships with proven results for finding true love, then the Motivated to Marry coaching program is perfect for you!
In the Motivated to Marry
Dating Tips & Secrets Program you will …
Become more self-assured so you will feel more attractive to others.
Tap into your core relationship values as the key to making a true love connection with the right one leading you to everlasting love.
Pinpoint where best to meet people with whom you will connect and share your values and life goals of marriage.
Create a targeted dating plan so you can finally meet the right one and stop putting all your energies towards this area of your life so you can live the life you truly desire.
Save precious time by learning how to evaluate a potential partner quickly and accurately so you don’t spend too much time in a relationship going nowhere or eliminate an appropriate partner.
Feel supported and encouraged with your dating efforts and not feel alone as you search for your life partner.
Have someone in your corner to support and help you take action so you won’t turn around and wonder where the last year went and still be at square one!
Here is what others have said about the Motivated to Marry
Dating Tips & Secrets Coaching Program:

I'm happy to say that I've found my ideal partner (now my wife) with the help of Coach Amy within 4 months of our coaching relationship!
Amy is reliable, dedicated and eternally upbeat. Her ability to assist me in prioritizing my values and life goals was unparalleled, and it is because of her system through worksheets I was able to succeed in my personal and business life. Her advice and personal experiences brought a connection that inspired me to work towards my goals. Coach Amy has my highest recommendation.
~ M.S. (Engaged April 2020- Married April 2021)

Coach Amy’s structured approached made me realize what key elements were right for me in a relationship and how to shift my behavior to find the relationship that was more suitable for me and my lifestyle.”
“After being in many relationships that did not work out the way I had wanted them to and with a desire to not keep repeating the same heartbreaking dating cycle, I joined Coach Amy’s Coaching Program to obtain her help and guidance. Coach Amy’s structured approached made me realize what key elements were right for me in a relationship and how to shift my behavior to find the relationship that was more suitable for me and my lifestyle. Had I not worked with Amy to make this change, I would probably have continued seeking relationships that are not best suited for me. By the way, your advice was right on!”
— Karen (48, in a committed relationship)

I just got married and this has been the best relationship I’ve ever had.”
“All the work I did with your worksheets was absolutely invaluable. I cannot believe what a huge help it made to be focused in the way you guided I think some of this wonderful luck is really getting grounded via the exercises you gave us in identifying our own values. In my other relationships, I can see I treated some values as negotiable when they were not, and once I understood that, it made it very easy to stay focused before getting too attached. Thank you sooooo much, Amy!”
— Holly (early 40’s Married)

"Coach Amy really helped me pull things together with my dating process and then to move me in the right direction. Together, my wife and I are having the time of our lives!"
~ Jack (Married)
Here’s what we’ll do together in your Motivated to Marry
Dating Tips & Secrets Coaching Club Program
Class 1:
What it takes to get the Motivated to Marry mindset
First, take the Motivated to Marry quiz to discover if you are truly Motivated to Marry. Learn how you need to think about dating in order be Motivated to Marry. What roadblocks you may have to clear away before you even consider getting out there to date to open the door to love.
Class 2:
The 3 keys to being happy in a relationship
In this class, we will discuss the 3 Biggies! What has to be aligned in a relationship in order to give yourself the best chance of moving forward towards marriage? These are the building blocks that help you create an effective dating plan for you.
Class 1:
What it takes to get the Motivated to Marry mindset
Class 2:
The 3 keys to being happy in a relationship
First, take the Motivated to Marry quiz to discover if you are truly Motivated to Marry. Learn how you need to think about dating in order be Motivated to Marry. What roadblocks you may have to clear away before you even consider getting out there to date to open the door to love.
In this class, we will discuss the 3 Biggies! What has to be aligned in a relationship in order to give yourself the best chance of moving forward towards marriage? These are the building blocks that help you create an effective dating plan for you.
Class 3:
How to keep your confidence on solid ground while dating
In the choppy waters of dating and relationship, how to you keep your confidence afloat? Here you will get some tools to boost your confidence and stay focused on what you have to offer in a relationship. You will learn how to manage your negative thoughts so you can stay positive about dating. Also, learn the dating turnoffs that you need to avoid and that you may be unwittingly doing, as well as some image tips for putting your best foot forward on a date.
Class 4:
Where to meet a life partner that you will connect with
You will get a list of the best places to meet Motivated to Marry people who are ready for a relationship. And learn what you need to take an account of yourself in order to put yourself in places where you will connect with the Right One.
Class 3:
How to keep your confidence on solid ground while dating
Class 4:
Where to meet a life partner that you will connect with
In the choppy waters of dating and relationship, how to you keep your confidence afloat? Here you will get some tools to boost your confidence and stay focused on what you have to offer in a relationship. You will learn how to manage your negative thoughts so you can stay positive about dating. Also, learn the dating turnoffs that you need to avoid and that you may be unwittingly doing, as well as some image tips for putting your best foot forward on a date.
You will get a list of the best places to meet Motivated to Marry people who are ready for a relationship. And learn what you need to take an account of yourself in order to put yourself in places where you will connect with the Right One.
Class 5:
How to choose wisely who you date
Choosing the right people to date or weeding out inappropriate people is an art and a science! You will learn what you need to take into account in order to keep you from wasting your time dating the wrong people. Also, we will discuss how to look at the Motivated to Marry dating process, how to have a successful first date leading to the second (and third…) dates and other things to consider when are on the path to exclusive, commitment-oriented love.
Class 6:
How to express your expectations and get what you want from a relationship!
Learn the skills necessary to look at the issues objectively that can stop you from achieving committed love. Also, find out how to express what you need in a way that deepens your relationship instead of throws it off course. You will also learn how to look at rejection in a positive way and the role it plays in dating.
Class 5:
How to choose wisely
who you date
Class 6:
How to express your expectations and get what you want from a relationship!
Choosing the right people to date or weeding out inappropriate people is an art and a science! You will learn what you need to take into account in order to keep you from wasting your time dating the wrong people. Also, we will discuss how to look at the Motivated to Marry dating process, how to have a successful first date leading to the second (and third…) dates and other things to consider when are on the path to exclusive, commitment-oriented love.
Learn the skills necessary to look at the issues objectively that can stop you from achieving committed love. Also, find out how to express what you need in a way that deepens your relationship instead of throws it off course. You will also learn how to look at rejection in a positive way and the role it plays in dating.
Class 7:
How to put your Motivated to Marry dating plan together
In this class, we put all the pieces together and create a dating plan that will work for you. In every plan you need to set goals and a timeline. What other considerations do you need to take into account? Once your dating plan is in place, you will lock in your ideal marriage relationship vision with some cool tools!
Class 8:
How to stay the course with Motivated to Marry dating
Once your plan is in place, you need to stay the course. You will learn how to communicate who you are looking for so others will introduce you to the right people. And uncover the kind of people who will support you and hold you accountable to your Motivated to Marry dating efforts.
Class 7:
How to put your Motivated to Marry dating plan together
Class 8:
How to stay the course with Motivated to Marry dating
In this class, we put all the pieces together and create a dating plan that will work for you. In every plan you need to set goals and a timeline. What other considerations do you need to take into account? Once your dating plan is in place, you will lock in your ideal marriage relationship vision with some cool tools!
Once your plan is in place, you need to stay the course. You will learn how to communicate who you are looking for so others will introduce you to the right people. And uncover the kind of people who will support you and hold you accountable to your Motivated to Marry dating efforts.
Where to meet them brainstorm session
You will hear a recording of where you most likely need to be in order to meet people you will be attracted to. Many of the suggestions you will hear will be the same ones you would need to consider based upon your core relationship values and you most likely share some of the same core values as those on the recording.
The Top 10 Biggest Dating Mistakes Many People Make Report
Learn what most people are doing wrong in dating without realizing it. Find out if you are making any of these critical dating mistakes yourself!
The Motivated to Marry Dating Secrets Plan
This is the exact dating plan that Coach Amy uses with her clients to get them on the right path to finding lasting love. This alone will save you time, energy and money so you will no longer be dating haphazardly.
Motivated To Marry® e-book:
This is Coach’s Amy original book that shows you how to date with a marriage-minded focus. Is Your Partner Motivated to Marry and the Characteristics of a Motivated to Marry Person are the highlights of this book. Determine if you are motivated to marry or not!
Secret Private Facebook Group
Here you will be participating with your like-minded group members for support, encouragement and brainstorming! I will also be participating for extra advice and support! Lifetime access. Value of $600/year

“The program focused me on the areas of my life that needed improvement and gave me the tools to reinforce that focus.”
“The coaching has been very valuable and informative to me. Amy focused me on the areas of my life that needed improvement and gave me the tools to reinforce that focus. Together we came up with creative solutions to problems and strategies to accomplish my goals. I highly recommend Amy for anyone who feels frustrated with the dating world.”
- Stewart, New York, NY (44 years old, now married)

“I am so glad that I did the work on myself with your coaching program to make sure that I was ready when I met Mr. Right and to have a healthy relationship and marriage.”
“It was important for me to have a clarifying list based upon my values, life goals and my non-negotiables as I was dating. I had wasted too much time with men that had deal-breaker items, but I still thought it would work out. Coach Amy’s coaching program helped me focus and say ‘no’ sooner before feelings were involved. She also teaches you how to overcome the negative voices to allow yourself to believe that your special someone is out there. I met my husband a couple of months after the program. I am so glad that I did the work on myself with your coaching program to make sure that I was ready when I met Mr. Right and to have a healthy relationship and marriage.”
— Allison, (38 years old, now married)
Learning* + Action+ Support = LOVE !
You have read enough blogs and articles. You’ve been to seminars and workshops and yet nothing has worked yet. It’s not your fault. You didn’t have the step by step lessons plus a targeted action plan and the support you need to keep you on the right path.
Monthly Q & A Support group calls: You get 3 months of support calls where you can ask Coach Amy any question relating to dating and or the Motivated to Marry Dating Tips & Secrets Coaching Program. If you can’t make it live, you can listen to the audio recording at your convenience. Value $600
Here’s How It Works:
8 Impactful Audio MP3 Recordings – join me as I walk you through all the steps to finding lasting love on calls each week. Here you will feel like you are sitting down with me and having an intimate conversation about how to date authentically and find the right one. Value $1600
8 Weekly Lesson-Action Guides – for each session, you will get worksheets, relevant articles and a series of powerful questions that will move you towards action! Value $800
Secret Private Facebook Group
Here you will be participating with your like-minded group members for support, encouragement and brainstorming! I will also be participating for extra advice and support! Lifetime access. Value of $600/year
The Top 10 Biggest Dating Mistakes Many People Make Report
Learn what most people are doing wrong in dating without realizing it. Find out if you are making any of these critical dating mistakes yourself!
The Motivated to Marry Dating Secrets Plan
This is the exact dating plan that Coach Amy uses with her clients to get them on the right path to finding lasting love. This alone will save you time, energy and money so you will no longer be dating haphazardly.
Motivated To Marry® e-book:
This is Coach’s Amy original book that shows you how to date with a marriage-minded focus. Is Your Partner Motivated to Marry and the Characteristics of a Motivated to Marry Person are the highlights of this book. Determine if you are motivated to marry or not!

From Coach Amy:
“I am so passionate about sharing this knowledge you that I’m going to offer this at an incredible value!
The true value of this program. My private clients pay me thousands of dollars to learn this critical, life-changing relationship information. But I really want to make this a no-brainer for you so you can get off the dating treadmill and get the step-by-step training and support you need to find your true love. So I’m making this super easy for you.
I’m a big believer in nothing ventured, nothing gained! Every strategic investment in myself has paid off in so many ways beyond just money. I am living the life of my dreams because of the investments I made in myself, including a relationship coach.
I see a lot of people struggling when they don’t have to be struggling. My strongest belief is when you choose to EXPAND and INVEST in yourself, then that is when you’ll see the fruits of your efforts.
So this program isn’t going to cost $4,000 or even $1,500. My private clients pay me thousands of dollars to learn this critical, life-changing relationship information to help them find and keep true love.”
Your investment for this program is only:
Get It All Today!
Why should I take this program?
Many others have had success with the
Motivated to Marry® Methodology and so can you!
Just see what they have to say:

I have met the man of my dreams and am now married to a man who shares my faith, my values and my life goals.”
“I just wanted to send you a quick note to update you since your program. It’s amazing. I have met the man of my dreams and am now married to a man who shares my faith, my values and my life goals. I truly believe that your program made me visualize who would be a good partner for me so that I recognized it very quickly after we met. It is because of this program that I have achieved my goal of finding my true love marriage partner”
— Andrea (39 years old, married)

“What was different was the emphasis on values and how to use our key relationship values to attract the right people into our lives”
“I have taken several classes, seminars and workshops to help me find true love and none worked until I participated in this coaching program. What was different was the emphasis on values and how to use our key relationship values to attract the right people into our lives. I also loved the THRIVE model that help me stay grounded in what I do offer to a relationship. I followed your methodology and applied it to my online dating.
I met my significant other through online dating. Amy’s suggestions are on the mark. I have been in a fulfilling relationship for over 5 years.”
— LeeAnn (54 years old, in a committed relationship)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Make the investment in yourself that will change your life!
It’s time to stop doing the same things over and over again and still, you are single and all alone.
Are you ready to discover the right way to find and keep the romantic relationship of your dreams?
Coach Amy has helped hundreds of marriage minded individuals fine-tune their dating to mating, and she can help you get on the direct path to finding Lasting Love with the Motivated to Marry Dating Secrets Coaching Program.
Get It All Today for Just
Still not sure?
Motivated to Marry Dating Secrets
In this coaching program, you will receive:
Training: Step-by-step training, so there is no overwhelm, including audio MP3’s, worksheets and relevant articles. You will gain the clarity of who is your best match and where (and how) to find him or her.
Action: Impactful questions with each training module to propel you into to fast action without overwhelm.
Support and Community: You get access to the exclusive Secret Private Facebook Group where you can get valuable feedback and connect with other marriage-minded singles going through the same coaching program.
Bimonthly Q & A support calls: Here you will get access to me and I will be available to answer your questions about how to implement the program and your dating issues. With your registration to this coaching program, you will receive 3 months access to these calls.
Plus all the other special bonuses listed previously!
Get It All Today for Just
Meet Coach Amy
Coach Amy Schoen is the #1 authority on dating for a committed relationship and creator of the Motivated To Marry Methodology for Dating for Marriage coaching program.
For more than 19 years Amy has coached hundreds of single men and women to attracting the ideal partner and creating the lives they’ve dreamed about.
And Amy is an ICF Certified Professional Life Coach with over 200 hours of coach training.
Amy knows the heartbreak and loss you've experienced. After a divorce of an eleven year marriage in her mid 30's, she met and married her true love at 42. They celebrated 21 years of marriage this past summer.

How much is it worth to you to finally get crystal clear on how to find and connect with true love with total confidence? That’s what this program will help you do. Do yourself a favor and MAKE A DECISION before you jump off this page. Nothing will keep you from your dreams faster than delaying decisions. Get Started now! You will get access to the Motivated to Marry Dating Secrets Program and you can start working with the materials right away.
Get It All Today for Just