The Only Online Dating Tips You Need To Find True Love With Less Time & Heartache
One out of five marriages has occurred from meeting their spouse online!*
Ask yourself:
- Are you dating online yet?
- Are you seriously thinking about doing so?
- Have you tried online dating but have given up because it was too frustrating?
- Would you like to be meeting more quality, serious-minded people to date via the internet?
- Does internet dating feel overwhelming and like too much work for you?
- Would you like to connect better with those you are meeting online and socially, as well?
- Would you like to move past just emailing people and actually be getting dates?
If you said yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone! In a recent survey of 150 singles, over 90% have said they have tried online dating. However, most of them are not meeting the kinds of people that they are interested in dating online and many have given up trying!
If you’re serious about finding true love, the one online dating tip you need is to get started.
58% claim that they are having trouble getting actual dates from online dating and 42% acknowledge having difficulty screening out undesirable candidates.
Millions of serious people are online looking for love. You know your friends and colleagues have met great people online. Can you afford not to be?
Just like any new skill or sport, you need to work on getting to your sweet spot. And that takes knowledge and practice! You don’t want to waste your precious time and energy trying to figure things out. You need a system that shows you exactly how to be doing internet dating so you get results fast!
As a dating and relationship coach, I will show you how to date on the internet with greater success. I have been helping my clients do so for over eight years. Two-thirds of my clients (who initially kicked and screamed at the thought of internet dating) have met their spouses or are in serious long-term relationships after learning my proven internet dating system.
Learn the Online Dating Tips & Secrets that will unlock
the Mystery of Finding Love!
You can achieve the same results through a very special program I’ve created. The Successful Internet Dating Program will teach you:
- Why internet dating is a must today as a way to meet great people and an important part of your overall dating plan.
- How to break down the process of getting online into doable, easy steps.
- Which internet dating sites are right for you and which ones to stay away from as a serious-minded person.
- How to write a profile that will attract the right Motivated to Marry person to you!
- What is the most critical part of your online dating profile and how to do it right!
- How to apply the Motivated to Marry Method to Internet Dating to meet seriously minded people.
- How to save time by screening out undesirables more quickly.
- Internet dating strategies for men versus women.
- The major Do’s and Don’ts of Internet Dating.
- How to date safe online!
- How to feel okay about rejection.
- How you can use Social Media to meet the right one!
- And, much, much more!
Whether you are a newbie or a veteran, you will walk away from this program with the internet dating plan that will have you dating great people in a short time.
There is nothing like this program out there. See what my past students have said…
“The Internet Dating Success Coaching program was very structured and informative. Amy described in detail what it takes to go online for a relationship the right way without wasting time and frustration, especially when one doesn’t have much time. The program helped me clarified my goals, vision and values and deciding what I want out of online dating whether be a serious relationship or just to have fun. I highly recommend the program for new starters of online dating as well as people who are already in online dating to have better success. I really valued getting feedback from her as well as asking questions in the group calls we had during the six weeks of the program.
— Robert, Silver Spring
Wow, what a difference! With Amy’s assistance, I now present myself in a more positive and active manner. This is so much more attractive to women. Also, Amy urged me to put a more flattering picture on my ad. Now women return my emails!”
— Stan, New York, NY
Coach Amy is terrific! I would not have accomplished my goal of getting my profile on the internet without her encouragement and support. She helped me define what I want and need in a relationship and then to translate it to my online dating profile.
— Ellen, Rockville, MD
Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to learn the inside information from a top relationship coach and to get a proven system that will make the most of your internet dating opportunities.
Just like any new skill or sport, you need to work on getting to your sweet spot- and that takes knowledge and practice! Most of Amy’s clients were already dating online without success and had given up.
Here are the online dating tips and secrets that we will cover in the Successful Internet Dating Program:
Module 1: The Mindset You Need To Date Successfully Online – You have a choice about how you look at internet dating. Learn about how your thinking affects your dating success.
Module 2: How to Prepare for Writing Your Profile To Attract the Right One – There are several steps and exercises you need to do before writing a profile. I will walk you through those steps. Here are the crucial steps that most people miss!
Module 3: Deciding Which Sites To Get On Now – There are over a thousand sites today- how do you choose? I give you a guide to making the best choice and my top five recommendations based on where my clients have had success.
Module 4: How to Create a Profile that Attracts The Right One – Here is where all your prior efforts in this program all come together and will work for you. Its like putting together all the pieces of the puzzle to create a profile that attracts the right person to you.
Module 5: The Dating Process – What you need to know to get a second date, a third date and beyond! Learn how to authentically connect with that special person who will truly appreciate you. You also get my dating flow chart and methodology that keeps you safe and true to yourself while attracting the right person to your life.
Module 6: Online Dating Tips For Breaking Out Of the Box & Finding Even More Opportunities To Find Love – Social Media and More! You can meet your true love online through Social Media and more! What are the latest trends with online dating? What do you need to beware of and what should you consider trying?
BONUS #1: The Truth About Long Distance Dating. Hear the pros and cons of long distance dating. What works and what doesn’t with dating at a distance? With the internet you can date someone on the other side of the world (some of my clients have) as well as someone who lives just down the street!
BONUS #2: Q & A Audio Recordings – Listen to two Q & A calls that will answer most questions that come up in this training. I want to help you stay focused and motivated to keep moving forward with your progress to start meeting that someone special.
— Dave, Rockville, Potomac, MD
You can start today! You will get the modules sent to you weekly with action steps to work through, an audio for that module of an actual coaching program session and a transcript of the audio for you to read and highlight. You even get homework assignments with each module to help you work through all the steps. By the end of the six week program, you will have your internet profile up and running (or revised)!
Or take the program at your own pace. You can fit the modules in when you are available according to your schedule.
I’ve designed this program to be so valuable for you AND priced it to be so affordable that you can’t NOT do it! Here’s why:
6 Insightful Audio Programs – I will walk you through all the steps you need to feel confident about how you are presented online, which site(s) are right for you and how to screen so you find the kind of person who you want to attract. It’s like you are sitting down with me and having an intimate conversation about how to date online that best serves you. $420 Value
6 Transcripts – For each module, I give you the transcripts so you can review all the information covered in the audios for easy reference. $180 Value
6 Lesson Guides – for each of the modules I give you a lesson guide so you can easily be taken through my internet dating methodology step by step. No more overwhelm! $210 Value
Audio Recordings of Q & A Calls – Listen to two Question and Answer calls of others who most likely have the same concerns as you do! Gain great insights into the Online Dating world. It’s just like getting two hours of coaching! $500 Value
All the bonuses – below I describe all the insightful, value-packed bonuses you receive when you sign up for this program. These bonuses will help your dating overall-both online and offline! $85 Value
Total Value: $1395
Your Online Dating Investment To Find That Someone Special Who Will Make You Truly Happy
Get Started Today To Get These Additional Online Dating Tips & Special Bonuses:
BONUS #3: My Signature Books: when you sign up for this program You will receive my digital book, “Motivated to Marry – now there’s a Better Way to Dating & Relationships” and my hardcover book, “Get It Right This Time- How to Find and Keep Your Ideal Romantic Relationship” in the mail.
BONUS #4: Marriages that Last the Test of Time: Learn the secret to lasting love that couples who have been married 25 to 50 years will share. This will be your cliff notes to a healthy, loving relationship.
Don’t Miss Out on This Comprehensive Online Dating Program
Only $497
With the help of Amy, I gained confidence which helped me to get many more second dates than I did on my own. Amy helped me to identify the men who I was dating that were ready for marriage and, more importantly, those that were not. With this knowledge I was able to focus on the right candidates and save a lot of valuable time and energy. I’m now in a long term relationship with a wonderful guy that I met online and we’re working our way toward marriage. I wish I had worked with Amy a few years earlier. It would have saved me a lot of time and heartache!
— Kristen, Arlington VA

Warm wishes,
Professional Life Coach &
Dating/Relationship Expert
If you have any questions, just email me.
PS. How much time, energy and money have you wasted in dating online or haphazardly dating, in general? That’s time away from what you truly love to do with your life. Isn’t it time to meet that someone special? Find out what is truly holding you back. I will help you do so. Do yourself a favor and MAKE A DECISION before you leave this page. You can stop spinning your wheels and start moving forward with a finding that fulfilling, loving relationship you so desire.
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Each individuals success depends on his or her background, dedication, motivation and desire. Facts and figures on this website are believed to be accurate, but are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC, PCC is the founder of Heartmind Connection Coaching and a Certified Professional Life Coach, uses a mix of life coaching and relationship consulting to help singles find their ideal life partners and live their best possible life. Amy’s work has been featured in the Washington Post and DC’s Channel 8 News several times. She has spoken to numerous professional and social groups including: DC Professionals in the City, First Class, Learning Escapes, New Beginnings and more! Amy is also the creator of She is the author of Motivated to Marry- Now There’s A Better Method to Dating and Relationships, Get It Right This Time-How to Find and Keep Your Ideal Romantic Relationship and 30 Very Good Reasons NOT to Get Married Until You are 30.