How can a dating coach help you?

18 October 2012

In a recent conversation with a divorce lawyer who was hosting me for her local Montgomery County cable show, she asked me some very good questions.   She asked me, “What are some of the common issues people would call on a dating coach for help?”

There are several reoccurring themes that do come up with my coaching clients.  Most clients come seek out a dating coach because they are struggling with aspects of dating and desire to learn some new skills to help them succeed.  What I discovered is:

  1. They are struggling with life – balance issues.  How do you make time for a relationship with everything else going on it their life?  My clients have very full lives and work is often very demanding.
  2. They want to know how to stay confident during the ups and downs of dating?   I provide them with tools to help you stay grounded in what you have to offer instead of who you are not.
  3. They want help with developing a personalized dating plan for where they most likely can meet that special person that will work for them.  Most of my clients don’t have a lot of time to waste.
  4. They want to learn how to connect more fully with people.  When they come to coaching, many of my clients are not getting past the first couple of dates.
  5. They want guidance on which online dating strategy to take and the whole online dating process.  Some of my clients are overwhelmed by online dating.
  6. And when you finally meet someone you click with, I coach with my clients such as issues around when do you become exclusive and is this really the right person for the long haul?

As a professional life coach I help my clients look at what they truly want for their life and clarify what a fulfilling life would look like all through our coaching relationship.   We touch upon their life purpose because you need your partner to be on board with your life purpose.  As you see, I am so much more than a dating coach!

Nothing beats hearing the voice of my client who gets on the call and tells me, “I have met someone and I think I am in love!”  Yet we all know that is just the beginning of a long road to engagement and marriage!

I recently got a baby announcement from one of my female late 30’s client who was in my Get Love Right coaching group in 2010.   You should have seen the smile on my face!

I am fortunate to be able to be involved in such rewarding work.  It’s not just a profession; it’s a calling for me.

What do you want for your life today?  What is your plan for achieving your goals?  This curious life and dating coach would like to know!

Intentionally yours,

Coach Amy

PS.  If you are ready to move forward with your dating efforts and want to experience a Motivated to Marry Strategy Session, then fill out my brief “Get to Know You” survey at  That will get our process started.